We rijden nog voor 6’en weg bij het vliegveld van Barcelona. Via een scenic route gaan we onderweg naar Andorra. Andorra is een klein belastingvrij staatje tussen Frankrijk en Spanje in, waar bussen toeristen vanuit Barcelona komen winkelen. Wij tanken diesel, die minder dan 1 euro is! Ook doen we even wat boodschappen en drinken we een kopje koffie op een terrasje. Het is maar 8 graden, maar in het zonnetje is het heerlijk. Er loopt één weg door Andorra heen, met aan weerszijden hoge bergen. We rijden via verschillende dorpjes en komen uiteindelijk bij schitterende skigebieden. Op het hoogste punt lopen we door de sneeuw, het kriebelt wel hoor, we houden immers beiden erg van skiën. De route door de Pyreneeën is ontzettend mooi. We genieten van het uitzicht.

Voor meer foto’s zie
map 7. Andorra (in de Gallery).
Just wanted to call out Paul for his fantastic service through my home buying process - from identifying the best rate through to obtaining approval and settlement. This was my first home purchase and I think it's fair to say that it would have been significantly more challenging without his help. Paul was on top of everything that needed to be done - going the extra bit in dealing with the bank and conveyance to ensure that the whole process was concluded smoothly. The best part was that Paul was always there to answer any questions and provide support, making life much simpler. Highly recommended! Email: westernloanfinance1@gmail.com and whatsApp: +1 (270) 560-0820
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJust wanted to call out Paul for his fantastic service through my home buying process - from identifying the best rate through to obtaining approval and settlement. This was my first home purchase and I think it's fair to say that it would have been significantly more challenging without his help. Paul was on top of everything that needed to be done - going the extra bit in dealing with the bank and conveyance to ensure that the whole process was concluded smoothly. The best part was that Paul was always there to answer any questions and provide support, making life much simpler. Highly recommended! Email: westernloanfinance1@gmail.com and whatsApp: +1 (270) 560-0820
Just wanted to call out Paul for his fantastic service through my home buying process - from identifying the best rate through to obtaining approval and settlement. This was my first home purchase and I think it's fair to say that it would have been significantly more challenging without his help. Paul was on top of everything that needed to be done - going the extra bit in dealing with the bank and conveyance to ensure that the whole process was concluded smoothly. The best part was that Paul was always there to answer any questions and provide support, making life much simpler. Highly recommended! Email: westernloanfinance1@gmail.com and whatsApp: +1 (270) 560-0820